Copper Toxicosis Bedlington Terrier Type (CT) 

Copper toxicosis in Bedlington Terriers is an inherited disorder that results in liver disease from copper accumulation and toxicity. Until recently, dogs have been diagnosed by liver biopsy and quantitative measurement of copper in the liver at or after one year of age. Dogs with copper toxicosis have a normal intestinal absorption of copper and they clear copper from the portal circulation into the liver like healthy dogs. The metabolic defect lies in the excretion of copper from the hepatocytes through the canalicular membrane into the bile canaliculi. Non-excreted copper accumulates and is stored in the lysosomes of the liver cells. Without treatment, affected dogs develop liver disease and die, usually between 3 to 7 years of age. 

Traits of Inheritance

Copper toxicosis in Bedlington Terriers is an inherited autosomal recessive trait. This means that a dog can be clear (homozygous normal), affected, or a carrier (heterozygous). The carriers can spread the diseased gene in the population. Therefore, reliable information on non-affected dogs is the key to controlling this disease.

References:  Laboklin - We use Laboklin for all our testing.

Ensure that the breeder you purchase your Bedlington Terrier from DOES perform copper toxicosis testing.